The Kaspersky team studied Telegram channels. They found cybercriminals using Telegram more. This report talks about its safety. Hackers use Telegram. They talk about stealing. They sell bad services. These include fake documents and attacking websites.
Kaspersky’s report shows bad posts rose by 53%. This was in May-June 2024. Last year, the posts were fewer.
Telegram is very popular. It has 900 million users. Its founder is Pavel Durov. People think Telegram is safe. It does not take user data. Hackers feel safe there.
Making groups on Telegram is easy. People can find or make groups. This makes it fast to get many users. Cybercriminals do this quickly, says Alexey Bannikov. He works at Kaspersky.
Kaspersky Offers Tools to Safeguard Against Growing Telegram Threats
Hackers on Telegram are not very smart. They are less skilled than those on dark web forums. Joining the Telegram bad group is easy. They just make an account. They find other bad people easily.
Alexey Bannikov sees another trend. Some people use Telegram to protest. They say their views. They attack big systems. They use DDoS attacks. They share stolen data. They use Telegram shadow channels.
Kaspersky offers help to businesses. They made a guide. This helps track bad market actions. It helps handle data problems. This guide helps reduce cyber risks.
This study shows the need for better security. Telegram must improve its safety. Businesses must stay alert. They need to watch for these threats. Kaspersky helps with this. They provide tools and tips. They help keep data safe.
Cybercriminals use Telegram because it’s popular. They feel safe there. They talk and sell bad services. They attack big systems. Businesses need to protect their data. Kaspersky helps with this. They offer a free guide.
This problem is big. More people use Telegram for bad things. We need better security. Kaspersky helps with tools and tips. Stay safe and protect your data.
To read our article about “Telegram to reach 1Bn. users within a year: Founder” click here.