PUBG Season 5 is reaching a conclusion soon, making it the ideal time to prod new substance for the forthcoming season, Shakedown. PUBG’s legitimate twitter page has posted several new screen captures that clue towards another guide.
It was initially accepted that the guide is found some place in Greece or Italy, yet the words “Jamila” and “Rakin” obvious in the picture are, truth be told, Arabic words, proposing that it will be a center eastern guide. A client even posted a picture of a center eastern island that matches the guide seen on the picture.
Moreover, a different secret posted by the Japanese PUBG Twitter page shows players doing combating inside an alternate piece of a similar guide. There are obvious slug openings and other harm dispensed at the divider, showing that the new guide will highlight a destructible domain.
This guide will likewise highlight another specialist called “Dark Zone”. Dark Zone will pulverize every one of the structures inside it, which connects to the next mystery indicating a destructible domain.
The update for Season 6: Shakedown will hit live servers in a week and will be playable for support players on January 30th. Test servers are going live tomorrow and we hope to see all the more soon.