Amidst the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, the world is encountering, as a rule, the total change of day by day life. Pakistan is exploring better approaches for teaching youngsters, running organizations, keeping up basic cultural capacities, all while attempting to guarantee the wellbeing and government assistance of those influenced.
Telenor is venturing up its commitment to Pakistan with a few activities to help bleeding edge laborers, specialists, business and people to battle the impacts of the Coronavirus.
Telenor is focused on associating social orders to what makes a difference most, and amidst the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, this has never been progressively significant. The world is presently encountering the total change of day by day life where social orders are exploring better approaches for teaching kids, running organizations, keeping up basic cultural capacities, all while attempting to guarantee the wellbeing and government assistance of those influenced.
Today, Telenor is at the bleeding edge with commitments and activities to help and inspire the general public while battling against the COVID-19 pandemic. Telenor is contributing through various ways towards enabling Pakistan through this difficult time.
Secure and dependable systems guaranteeing consistent network all through Pakistan
Telenor Pakistan’s innovation and deals groups have re-formed their method for work to guarantee the arrangement of continuous versatile correspondence administrations and items while keeping millions the nation over associated. With the expanding load on systems because of the emergency, field groups keep on working every minute of every day being familiar with wanted preventive measures and wellbeing units to assist them with continueing with fundamental errands.
Spreading attention to teach masses
Telenor Pakistan has urged the individuals to remain at home and keep up social removing in the present situation. Utilizing online life stages, Telenor Pakistan not just conveyed COVID-19 mindfulness under #TelenorSathHai crusade but on the other hand is viably running a battle on careful steps of COVID1-19 as its national duty.
It likewise acquainted free call with Govt COVID helpline 1166 and effectively upheld to disperse mass measures to make mindfulness and battle against coronavirus.
Telenor is the main administrator in Pakistan which changed the system name to ‘StayHome’ for arriving at potential clients in the most ideal manner. My Telenor App is additionally refreshed with the live coronavirus data segment to get the message out. Mindfulness, data and warnings in regards to Coronavirus are likewise shared by means of our mAgri stages including Khushaal Zamindar and Khushaal Nama.
Moderate and important answers for the general population
Assuming a functioning job to guarantee its 46 million clients remain associated during these difficult occasions, Telenor Pakistan is without giving first Telenor to Telenor call of the day, broadened revive legitimacy, streamlined equalization sharing, crisis Telenor to Telenor minutes on the off chance that the client comes up short on balance, free WhatsApp and client self-administration stage to serve its clients better.
It additionally has numerous stations for computerized revive including My Telenor App, Easypaisa application, portable banking applications and Daraaz.
The significance of remaining associated can’t be exaggerated during circumstances such as the present and Telenor Pakistan is making it workable for its clients to remain at home and remain associated with their friends and family through these administrations and offers.
Encouraging telecommuting for organizations
Organizations the whole way across Pakistan are experiencing a difficult time because of the episode of COVID-19 pandemic. To encourage the Pakistani business network during this hour of need and to guarantee business congruity, Telenor Business has propelled ‘Business Continuity Packages’ (BCP).
The BCP activity is intended to offer an incentive to both existing and new clients. Under the activity, Telenor Business propelled a liberated from cost offer “Murmur Aik Hain”. This offer is intended to help the current corporate clients to adapt to the flood in availability needs because of work from home courses of action without causing any extra expense. “Murmur Aik Hain” offer has 500 MBs information, 200 on-net minutes, 200 all system SMS (nearby) and 20 off-net minutes, all liberated from cost.
Guaranteeing consistent development in information and abilities by giving web based learning stages and preparing openings
Telenor Pakistan keeps on concentrating on giving chances to learning through activities in wide-arriving at verticals for children, business visionaries and experts.
With instructive establishments grinding to a halt, Telenor Pakistan is putting forth noteworthy attempts in making e-training openings and roads including giving free access to a specific number of jobseekers to LinkedIn Learning stage on first start things out serve premise and online courses from Telenor Velocity on configuration thinking abilities. Telenor Velocity will likewise be moving in the direction of scaling edtech new companies in STEM fields with expanded spotlight on mechanical autonomy.
Likewise, in a joint effort with Ministry of IT and Virtual University, Telenor Pakistan is empowering DigiSkills Training stage which gives free expertise improving web based instructional classes with the desire to furnish Pakistani youth with aptitudes for an advanced economy as specialists, online business visionaries and shrewd laborers.
Since the children are homebound also, Telenor Pakistan’s Gamebox Kids is a gaming stage which is teaching plays games the prudent steps for COVID19 alongside successfully using their isolate time in rehearsing math and language aptitudes.
Empowering wellbeing help and assurance
Telenor Pakistan has been a leader in digitalizing answers for the horticulture business. It as of now has a built up mAgri stage which has been offering warning types of assistance for horticulture as well as has wellbeing specialists for the rustic Pakistanis.
With COVID-19 setting into the scene, these administrations are considerably increasingly applicable today with more than 3 million Pakistanis profiting by ease top notch wellbeing administrations through Telenor Pakistan’s e-wellbeing activities. Khushaal Zamindaar is giving COVID-19 related wellbeing and avoidance warning administrations in neighborhood dialects for nothing.
To keep refreshed on the details and consciousness of the circumstance, Khushaal Nama is giving standard updates by clinical experts. Telenor Pakistan is additionally giving clinical interview benefits through Khushaal Sehat with PMDC guaranteed specialists who are furnishing clinical direction while following social removing and facilitating the heap on constrained human services offices particularly right now.
To give medical coverage, Khushaal Zindagi is likewise taking care of the medicinal services costs brought about in treatment of COVID-19. Throughout the following scarcely any months, Telenor Pakistan plans to furnish more than 5 million Pakistanis with excellent advanced wellbeing administrations through Khushal Insurance, Khushal Naama, Khushal Sehat and comparable administrations.
Additionally, through Telenor Pakistan’s association with MicroEnsure, all Telenor Pakistan clients may buy in to ‘Sehatmund’ which is a medical coverage administration and spreads wellbeing costs caused for COVID-19.
Helping the Frontline Workers
With the beginning of this pandemic, there has been a deficiency of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) particularly for the human services laborers. It is fundamental for our cutting edge troopers during this fight with coronavirus to be prepared and safe while battling the sickness and sparing humankind.
To help the bleeding edge laborers during this pandemic including specialists, paramedical staff, and others, Telenor Pakistan will give PPEs in coordinated effort Pakistan Red Crescent Society in at any rate 13 areas. The PPEs incorporate defensive suits, sedated goggles, veils, show covers, gloves, cleansers and sanitizers relying upon the degree of presentation.
Progressed investigation to help the Government
During this pandemic, it is pivotal for the legislature to distinguish individuals who are deprived for help.
To help the legislature and empower wellbeing specialists and private division to better ready to connect with the defenseless during this pandemic, Telenor Pakistan has built up a progressed investigation framework which can help fragment its supporter base on the spot, financial class, age gathering and sex. This information can be amalgamated with outside information sources, for example, the geo areas of infection influenced territory to enable the specialists to design and offer the necessary help.
These portability and segment bits of knowledge will help government in better understanding potential requirement for money related and clinical help and connecting with meriting recipients for budgetary guide; better understanding interest for products and ventures in various areas and focusing on mindfulness and security crusades dependent on anonymized information; and giving credit chance profiling to encourage people dependent on their assent, and little retailers in applying to monetary organizations for miniaturized scale and individual advances.
The necessary portion can be connected through different mediums including SMS, IVR and direct calls.