Zong 4G and UNICEF Pakistan Partner To Create Awareness Around COVID-19

Today Zong 4G and UNICEF held hands to help educate the overall population in Pakistan on COVID-19.

As a feature of the association, Zong 4G will utilize all its computerized channels to disperse exact and dependable data on the coronavirus COVID-19. The battle targets coming to Zong 4G’s more than 37 Million clients through numerous stages and channels, including Zong 4G’s authentic Facebook Page, Zong 4G’s legitimate Twitter Handle, Official Website and MyZong application.

“In the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, we have likewise observed a significant flare-up of mis-and disinformation encompassing the theme via web-based networking media. In these difficult occasions, it is basic that dependable, precise and valid data arrive at each edge of the nation. Zong 4G and UNICEF Pakistan have banded together to enlarge the endeavors of the wellbeing experts in transferring confirmed messages to the public.”Said Mr. Wang Hua, Chairman and CEO, Zong 4G.

“These are trying occasions for the whole world and we should remain joined in doing combating this pandemic by following rules being advanced by the wellbeing specialists.” Mr. Hua proceeded.

The substance, which will advise individuals on the most proficient method to perceive the side effects of COVID-19 and how to shield themselves and their families from it, was created by UNICEF in a joint effort with the Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination (MoNHSR&C) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

The new association will enable the messages to contact more extensive crowds the nation over through Zong 4G’s channels. The messages spread significant issues, for example, the need to remain at home however much as could be expected and keep a separation of at any rate six feet (two meters) from others while heading outside; the need to every now and again wash hands with cleanser for 20 seconds or with a sanitizer; or the need to abstain from criticizing individuals influenced by the infection.

Ms. Aida Girma, UNICEF Representative in Pakistan said in the conversation, “Since the flare-up of COVID-19, UNICEF has been on the cutting edge to help forestall the spread of the infection. Other than supporting human services administrations drove by the Government of Pakistan and supporting acquisition administrations to guarantee that clinical supplies and gear are accessible, spreading true data on care and counteraction during the pandemic has been our top need.”

She further expressed, “In this exertion, the job of cell organizes in contacting individuals can’t be overemphasized. We are appreciative to Zong 4G for supporting our strategic assist us with engaging fantasies and falsehood with their choice innovation and nation wide inclusion.”

Substance can be gotten to on:

• https://web.facebook.com/Zongers/
• https://twitter.com/Zongers
• MyZong App
• https://www.zong.com.pk/
• http://covid.gov.pk/
• www.unicef.org/pakistan/

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