UAE May Soon Lift Ban on WhatsApp Calls

VoIP brings in UAE have been hindered for whatever length of time that we recollect. Be that as it may, that is going to change before long as indicated by the nation’s head of cybersecurity.

While chatting with CNBC, UAE’s NESA Executive Director, Mohamed Al Kuwaiti uncovered that the nation has expanded its joint effort with the Facebook-claimed WhatsApp. As indicated by him, the two gatherings have a superior comprehension of how things will function including the national security activities.

In the meeting, Mohamed Al Kuwaiti stated,

The joint effort currently occurring with WhatsApp has expanded and we are taking a shot at numerous viewpoints. (We are) working together here in the UAE and in a significant number of those (viewpoint) we saw a generally excellent comprehension of the idea. There may be a lift of that boycott for (WhatsApp) voice calls or broadcasting of a large number of the things that they do and this will happen soon. This is the thing that we know and comprehend from the Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (TRA) here in the UAE.

For the uninformed, UAE has restricted VoIP calls including Skype, WhatsApp, and FaceTime. They have been named as unlawful by the TRAand the clients are constrained to applications like Botim, C’Me and HiU Messenger.

To the extent the other Gulf countries are considered, throughout the years, they have changed their position with respect to VoIP calls. Saudi Arabia lifted its restriction on VoIP gets back to in 2017 and Qatar has additionally permitted VoIP calls through authorized telecom administrators.

Ideally, UAE will lift the restriction on VoIP calls soon.

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