How to open Silk Bank account.

Silk Bank is a Pakistani industrial bank primarily based in Karachi, Pakistan. It used to be formally acknowledged as The Saudi-Pak Bank. Established on September 15 2001, the bank has presently 250 Branches in Pakistan.

Among different products, Silk Bank additionally offers internet banking amenities to its customers to supply a seamless banking experience, some of which are referred to below:

Let’s look at 3 different types of account you can open at Silk Bank:

Current Account:

There are 2 types of people who can apply for a current account at Silk Bank:

Salaried individual:

To apply for a current account at Silk Bank, you need to collect the following documents:

Business owner:

Collect and submit the following documents to the bank if you want to open a current account at Silk Bank:

After you’ve submitted these documents, you also need to pay a minimum fee of 1000 PKR for account opening while no minimum balance is required for account maintenance (this account opening fee is for the Silk Bank Basic Current Account) for other types of current accounts, visit the deposits section on this page.

Savings Account:

There are 2 types of people who can apply for a savings account at Silk Bank:

Salaried individual:

To apply for a savings account at Silk Bank, you need to collect the following documents:

Business owner:

Collect and submit the following documents to the bank if you want to open a savings account at Silk Bank:

After submitting these documents you’d also need to pay a minimum fee of 1000 PKR for account opening while no minimum balance is required for account maintenance.

Silk Bank PLS savings account has an interest rate (AER) of up to 8%.

Features of Savings Account:

Asaan account:

Open an Asaan Account if you’re not the type of person to get indulged in the formalities of providing documents for account opening. With Asaan account the only document required is the individual’s CNIC.

Features of Asaan account:

In all these are the 3 types of accounts you can open at Silk Bank, so if you feel interested, visit your nearest Silk Bank branch to apply.

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