Ishaq Dar, the finance minister, stated on Sunday that the price of petrol would stay at Rs. 282 per liter for the upcoming two weeks while the price of high-speed diesel was decreased by Rs. 5 per liter to Rs. 288.
The price of light diesel and kerosene would be decreased by Rs. 10 to Rs. 164.68 and Rs. 176.07 per liter, respectively, the finance minister stated in a video speech yesterday.
Petroleum Products Prices
from 01 May to 15 May‘23:Reductions per litre :
High Speed Diesel Rs 5
SuperKerosene Oil Rs 10
Light Diesel Oil Rs 10
Petrol —No changeNew Prices per litre:
Petrol Rs 282
HighSpeed Diesel Rs 288
KeroseneOil Rs 176.07
Light Diesel Rs 164.68— Ishaq Dar (@MIshaqDar50) April 30, 2023
Everyday Consumption of Petrol and Diesel in Pakistan
Ishaq Dar claimed that, following the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority’s proposal, the finance ministry had done everything possible to resolve the issue of price variations in the country’s favor. He claimed that following “many rounds” of deliberation, the final price modifications were decided.
Dar has already announced a hike in petrol prices of Rs. 10 per liter on 15 April. HSDand LDO were still priced at Rs. 293 and Rs. 174.68, respectively, although the cost of kerosene jumped by Rs. 5.78 to Rs. 186.07.
Between April 1 and 15, the nation used almost 20,000 tons of petrol everyday and 15,500 tons of HSD.
According to estimates, between 8,000 and 10,000 tons of HSD were being smuggled into Pakistan every day, while Iranian petrol was less in demand due to its marginally inferior quality and the overall decline in demand for fuel.
To read our blog on “Govt. is set to cut petrol prices by Rs. 3.86 per liter,” click here.