Your kids won’t carry heavy books to school now

Your kids won't carry heavy books to school now

Your kids won't carry heavy books to school now

Government primary schools in Islamabad are changing how students carry books. They won’t have to take books home anymore. Instead, classrooms will have places for books. This makes it easier for students.

The goal is to make school life better for kids. Carrying heavy bags is hard for them. The Education Secretary, Mohyuddin Ahmad Wani, says this idea is good. He thinks it will help students and parents. The new rule starts on August 1. All schools will get ready before they open.

Students face many challenges with heavy bags. They go to school with big bags. After school, they go to tuitions. They carry many books. It is a lot of weight for young kids. This makes them tired and stressed.

Carrying heavy bags can cause health problems for kids. Back pain is common. Some kids even have shoulder pain. This affects their studies and playtime. Many parents worry about this problem.

The new plan aims to fix this problem. Schools will have safe places for books. Students will only carry what they need. This change hopes to create happier students.

Education experts agree with this decision. They say lighter bags mean happier students. Students can focus better in class. They can also enjoy their time after school. Parents are happy too. They don’t worry about their kids’ health.

In conclusion, the new policy in Islamabad is good news. It helps students with heavy bags. They can study and play without pain. This makes school life better for everyone.

To read our blog on “Sindh govt. improves primary schools to elementary schools,” click here

Bilquees Anwar Content Executive
Content Executive at TechX with over 3 years of experience in Creative Writing and Content Strategy. A published author of eBooks, she is passionate about exploring diverse subjects and adept at crafting engaging content for broad audiences.
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