you’ll see detachable battery in the iPhone 16 now


youll see detachable battery in the iphone 16 now

In order to comply with EU regulations, Apple is allegedly working on making iPhone battery replacement simpler.

Anticipated as early as this autumn. The new technology is made to comply by 2027 with EU regulations on recycling and ecological design.

youll see detachable battery in the iphone 16 now

Batteries With Adhesive Strips 

At the moment, Apple secures the batteries in iPhones with adhesive strips.

They are working on a new technique that will make it easier. For the customers to remove batteries by utilizing electricity to release the glue.

The purpose of this modification is to encourage a cleaner environment. By allowing users to swap out batteries at any point throughout the device’s lifespan.

Direction Of Making Gadgets

This breakthrough is a major step forward in the direction of making gadgets easier to recycle, which is something adhesives are vital for.

As part of its efforts to abide by environmental laws and encourage more environmentally friendly procedures in their products.

To read our blog on “High tech Pixel 9 precede; release of the iPhone 16,” click here

Muhammad Kamal
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