Windows 10 with fresh capabilities & enhancements again


Windows 10 with fresh capabilities & enhancements again

Microsoft is discontinuing support for Windows 10 in October 2025, which means it will no longer receive updates, including security fixes.

It is still the most popular version of Windows today, and it will continue to receive new features and updates until its demise.

Microsoft recently revealed that the Windows Insider Beta Means is once again open, this time for PCs running Windows 10. This network will be used to test “new features and more advances to Windows 10 as needed.”

Windows 10 Beta Channel

Customers may participate in the Windows 10 Beta Channel despite when their PCs meet the requirements for Windows 11.

Yet, if a PC fulfils the criteria for Windows 11, enrolling in the less solid Dev or Canary channels will migrate the system to Windows 11.

22H2 Update

The features developed on this Beta Channel will be available in the public version of Windows 10.

As part of the 22H2 update, the operating system’s final major annual update.

Not every feature that Microsoft tests in the beta channel will make it to the consumer version of Windows 10.

Security Updates for Windows 10

Microsoft confirmed that taking part in the beta program does not imply continued support for Windows 10.

The only way to continue getting security updates for Windows 10 after 2025 is to sign up to the Extended Security Updates (ESU) program.

Microsoft intends to make these updates available to individual users, but has yet to announce a price.

Businesses will pay up to $61 per PC for the first year of updates, while educational institutions will only pay $1 per PC.

To read our blog “Microsoft added further Ads to Windows,” click here

Muhammad Kamal
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