Threads account can be removed without deleting Instagram


Threads, Meta’s Twitter/X replacement, had a rocky start. It lacked a variety of features, ranging from (still missing) direct messages to a Web platform.

Previous Issue With Threads Account

It was impossible to delete your Threads account without also deleting your Instagram account.

However, the service has only recently addressed that last issue.

The announcement comes from Instagram’s current CEO, Adam Mosseri.

If you change your mind about creating a Threads account but want to keep your Instagram account, you’ll soon be able to delete the former without deleting the latter.

According to Mosseri, the feature is currently being rolled out, though he did not provide a timeline.

Other announcements and clarifications were also made by Mosseri.

Previously, when you posted on social media platform, that message could appear on your Facebook and Instagram accounts, and you had little control over that.

New Privacy Settings

Threads will receive a new Privacy setting that will allow you to control how it shares to your other social networks.

However, if you were hoping that Threads would add another notable missing feature, DMs, we have some bad news for you.

Despite some screenshots indicating otherwise, the company has no plans to bring DMs to the platform, according to Mosseri.

Those screenshots that suggested otherwise were most likely taken from Instagram, on which text based social media platform is based.

To Become a Competitor

The text based social media platform has a long way to go before it can be considered a true competitor to X, even if that social network’s current owner appears determined to kill it.

Despite the fact that Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg claims text based social media platform now has just under 100 million monthly active users, it remains far behind X’s claimed 550 million monthly active users.

To read our blog on “Threads on Instagram may get a web version this week,” click here.

Asad Hassan
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