TechX Pakistan: Navigating Challenges – A Suspension Tale and Our Mission in Technology Blogging



Today, TechX received an email from Twitter informing us that the account had been compromised and subsequently suspended. The reason provided was the dissemination of news related to Israeli products in Pakistan, resulting in a ban. TechX has never faced suspension until now.

Upon reviewing the account, it was found to be suspended due to our posts about Israeli products ban in Pakistan and Islamic Countries around the globe.

The account boasts a substantial following of 20,000+ connecting people to local and international news along with tech updates, articles, and information about startups in Pakistan.

What is TechX Pakistan?

TechX Pakistan is a blog project initiated in 2019 with the aim of addressing the gap in local technology and social blogging. Our primary goal is to raise awareness about the latest technological developments worldwide, with a special focus on Pakistan.

We bring you breaking news, interviews, coverage of seminars and exhibitions, both locally and internationally. Our topics range from IT startups, best IT practices, business, automobile, smartphone technology, to social media.

To read our blog on “TechX Pakistan will be in Future Fest 24 as a media partner,” click here

Muhammad Kamal
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