Surge in flour’s price now see in Lahore & Rawalpindi


Surge in flours price now see in Lahore Rawalpindi

In the past several days, the province has seen an increase in the cost of wheat and flour.

A 20-kg bag of flour now costs Rs150 more in the provincial capital; Rawalpindi has also seen a price increase of this kind.

20-kg Wheat Bags

Twenty-kg wheat bags used to cost Rs1,650 in Lahore and Rs1,700 in Rawalpindi; in the latter city, they now cost Rs1,850.

The Pakistan Flour Mills Association (PFMA) attributed the rise in flour costs to an upward trend in wheat prices.

According to an office holder, the price of flour has gone up because of the upward trend in the price of wheat, which has grown from Rs 2,900 to Rs 2,950 per maund.

In just a few days, he said, the price of wheat had gone up by Rs 250 per pile. The PFMA issued a warning, predicting future price increases for wheat and flour.

To read our blog on “LPG prices in the Pakistan got increase now,” click here

Muhammad Kamal
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