Sindh Young Nurses Announce To Boycott Work At Hospital

Sindh Young Nurses Association (SYNA) has reported to blacklist work in medical clinics territory wide and sort out a protest at Karachi Press Club (KPC) from today.

President SYNA, Aijaz Kaleri, claims that the Sindh wellbeing division has reliably been subverting the endeavors of cutting edge wellbeing laborers by moving them with no explanation in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Move of medical caretakers has gotten a matter of day by day schedule. At whatever point medical attendants speak loudly for their privileges, Sindh wellbeing division either starts lawful activity against them on wobbly grounds or moves them to an alternate emergency clinic as vengeance.

Sindh wellbeing division presently can’t seem to pay Coronavirus chance stipend and wellbeing proficient recompense to the medical caretakers taking a chance with their lives so as to spare COVID-19 patients while working with insufficient individual security, SYNA President included.

SYNA will be requesting from the Sindh government to put an end to moves until the Coronavirus flare-up is contained, promptly dispense Coronavirus hazard recompense, to guarantee the arrangement of enormous amounts of PPEs, to make a move against a large number of apparition representatives, and execute an assistance structure.

Aijaz Kaleri has encouraged all medical attendants to join the demonstration outside KPC and record their dissent against the Sindh wellbeing division. Attendants incapable to join the protest at KPC have been coordinated by SYNA to arrange exhibits at press clubs of their urban communities.

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