Following the filing of a no-confidence petition against him in the National Assembly, Prime Minister Imran Khan said on Friday that the “establishment” had given him three options: “resignation, no-confidence [vote], or elections.”
He said this in an interview with ARY News that aired on Friday, when asked if the opposition, government, or “another party” had advocated early elections or his resignation as alternatives.
When presented with the three possibilities given by establishment, the premier stated, “We said elections is the best option, I cannot even think about resigning and as far as the no-confidence vote is concerned, I believe in fighting till the end.”
Noting that some Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf members had deserted to the opposition before of the no-trust vote, the premier stated that even if the opposition’s no-trust attempt failed, “we cannot manage the government with such people (defectors).”
“It will be better for Pakistan if we hold elections again,” he remarked.
When asked if he was willing to hold early elections, he said, “If we win [in] this [no-confidence] vote, it is a very good idea to go for early elections.”
In response to a query on the government’s strategy if the opposition’s no-trust motion fails, he said, “We will formulate a strategy [in the coming days].”
To read our latest blog on “If expelled from power, PTI may call for quick elections,” click here.