PDMA warns about 35% higher daring rainfall this year


PDMA warns about 35 higher daring rainfall this year

This year, there is expected to be 35% more rainfall in the region than typical, which raises the possibility of urban flooding. According to PDMA Director General Irfan Ali Kathia.

Kathia emphasized the urgency of completing all preparatory measures before the onset of the monsoon. “The forecast indicates an unusually high volume of rain. Which necessitates thorough preparations to protect communities and infrastructure,” he stated.

PDMA Increased Efforts

PDMA has increased efforts to clean rivers and canals. In response to the increased danger in order to guarantee smooth water flow and reduce the likelihood of flooding.

“Our teams are working around the clock to clear obstructions and improve drainage systems,” Kathia added.

In the meantime, Dr. Babar, the director of meteorological forecasting, stated that the monsoon rains, particularly in Karachi, have begun in Sindh in an exclusive interview said.

Additionally, he has said that the monsoon winds are moving across the nation and will likely deliver torrential downpours to many areas in the coming day.

According to him, there will likely be more rain than usual in July and August.

This creates worries about canal and river flooding as well as the possibility of urban floods in the northeast and southeast of the nation. He also issued a warning about possible flooding in nullahs and canals.

Dr. Babar said, “There will be heavy rain in Sindh, Punjab, Balochistan, KP, Kashmir, and Gilgit-Baltistan.”

He underlined that in order to lessen the effects of prolonged precipitation and possible flooding, preparation is essential.

To read our blog on “NDMA issues urgent flood warning for all over Pakistan,” click here

Muhammad Kamal
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