New findings expose risks in a daily multivitamin use

New findings expose risks in a daily multivitamin use

New findings expose risks in a daily multivitamin use

Millions of people take multivitamin every day. They believe it helps their health. A new study says this might not be true. The Journal of the American Medical Association published this research.

One in three American adults takes daily multivitamins. They hope to prevent diseases. The research shows these pills do not help you live longer.

The study examined 400,000 healthy adults over 20 years. It found no proof that daily vitamin lower death risk. In fact, it found a 4% higher risk of death in early users.

Dr. Neal Barnard commented on this study. He said, “The findings will disappoint those who think daily vitamin extend life. They do not.”

Are Multivitamin Safe? The Good and Bad News Revealed

Some people do benefit from multivitamins. Pregnant women need them. People with eye disease macular degeneration need them. Some evidence suggests multivitamins can lower the risk of dementia.

Barnard said, “That’s the good news. But there’s bad news too. Daily vitamin mix many vitamins. Some can harm you if you take too much.”

Iron in daily vitamins can be risky. Too much iron can cause heart problems. Copper and beta-carotene can also be harmful. Copper overload links to Alzheimer’s. Beta-carotene in pills may raise cancer risk.

Barnard said, “These toxic effects might explain the higher death rate in early users.”

He advised getting vitamins from food. “Food gives you a full range of vitamins. Look for fruits and vegetables.”

Some vitamins do need supplements. B-12 and vitamin D are important. It is best to take these alone, not in a multivitamin.

In summary, taking daily vitamins may not offer the benefits many hope for. They may even pose risks if taken in excess. It’s healthier to get vitamins from natural food sources.

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Bilquees Anwar Content Executive
Content Executive at TechX with over 3 years of experience in Creative Writing and Content Strategy. A published author of eBooks, she is passionate about exploring diverse subjects and adept at crafting engaging content for broad audiences.
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