Microsoft’s Windows 11 launch event: Here’s what we know

Microsoft has authoritatively affirmed Microsoft’s Windows 11 after the web was overwhelmed with long periods of prods, hints and enormous holes.

The enormous concentration for Windows 11 is the refreshed UI, upgrades in execution and performing various tasks, another Windows Store and coordinated help for running Android applications interestingly.

The accompanying video from CNET gives a total outline of the new highlights:

The principal thing to see about Windows 11 is that it’s anything but another Start menu with a refreshed Start button, the two of which are customized across the taskbar.

The UI is essentially like Windows 10X, a dropped undertaking of Microsoft for double screen gadgets. First off, the Start menu has dropped Live Tiles which were initially presented in Windows 8. Presently, it’s anything but’s a launcher with applications, ongoing record tabs and a different inquiry interface.

As found in the see above, a significant part of the focused appearance is practically indistinguishable from the ones found in macOS and Chrome OS, and there are adjusted corners we’ve regularly found in Android and iOS.


Microsoft has implanted a “Snap Layout” include also, which permits clients to rapidly snap applications into an assortment of modes upheld by Windows 11.

From the start, this element may come in beautiful convenient for supporting numerous screens/screens for guaranteeing that applications consistently open on the right showcase.


Interestingly with past forms of Windows, Microsoft has taken care of execution on the new working framework. As detailed by CNET, Windows refreshes are 40% more modest and more effective.

Interestingly, Microsoft Teams has been incorporated with Windows 11 on the taskbar, permitting clients to call companions, family and colleagues. What’s obvious from here is that Microsoft is discreetly continuing forward from Skype, which came free of charge on Windows 10.

Moreover, contact motions and Widgets are a major piece of the new working framework.

“Gadgets”, as indicated by Microsoft, are customized channels fueled by AI, that can be utilized to tailor inclinations to a particular news channel, climate figure and guides.

Other than the specialized stuff, Microsoft has guaranteed speed and generally execution enhancements. For gamers, the Xbox Gaming Pass is being coordinated into Windows 11, which will permit clients to stream games from Microsoft’s cloud too.

The Best Part: Windows 11 Will Now Run Android Apps!

Microsoft has cooperated with Amazon and Intel to make this a reality, and Windows 11 will utilize rejuvenate android application use.

Microsoft exhibited TikTok and other Android applications running close by Windows applications on Windows 11 in their authority feed, and the organization intends to share more data on this in the two or three months.

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Up until now, Windows 11 doesn’t have a delivery date, yet Microsoft has vowed to carry it’s anything but a free overhaul for Windows 10 clients from October onwards.

Yousuf Ali
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