Iran’s nuclear risk; US put in the more sanctions now


Irans nuclear risk US put in the more sanctions now

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement that the US imposed further sanctions on Iran on Thursday in response to “continuing nuclear escalations.”

“Over the past month, Iran has announced steps to further expand

Its nuclear programe in ways that have no credible peaceful purpose,” Blinken said.

“We remain committed to never letting Iran obtain a nuclear weapon.

And we are prepared to use all elements of national power to ensure that outcome.”

A request for comment was not immediately answered by Iran’s UN mission in New York.

The US has imposed sanctions on three United Arab Emirates-based firms and eleven related boats.

That are allegedly involved in the transportation of petroleum or petrochemical products from Iran. The action was taken on Thursday.

Wealthy Group of Seven

The wealthy Group of Seven stated earlier this month.

That Tehran would face fresh sanctions if it continued to move forward.

With its nuclear enrichment program and threatened to transfer ballistic missiles to Russia.

Iranian Foreign Ministry

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani criticised the remarks and urged the G7 to break away from “destructive policies of the past.”

The 35-nation Board of Governors of the UN nuclear watchdog passed a resolution earlier in June urging Iran to resume cooperation with the watchdog and lift its recent ban on inspections.

IAEA Yardstick

According to an IAEA yardstick, Iran is enriching uranium to as high as 60% purity, which is close to 90% of weapons-grade. If it continues to enrich, it has enough material for three nuclear weapons.

Western nations claim there isn’t a believable civilian explanation for that. Iran claims to have only peaceful goals.

But officials recently stated that if it comes under assault or feels threatened by Israel, its longtime enemy, it may modify its “nuclear doctrine.” That has caused worry in Western capitals and at the IAEA.

To read our blog on “Iran imposes sanctions on the US, UK for support Israel,” click here

Muhammad Kamal
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