iPhone 15 coming with new update regarding charging port


The upcoming iPhone 15, which is likely to be released in September as normal, may include a feature that no iPhone has ever had: a generic charging connector.

According to analysts and media rumors, the future iPhone models may contain a USB Type-C charger connector on the phone’s bottom.

That’s the same charging port found on practically every laptop released in recent years, as well as Android phones, iPads, and a variety of other devices ranging from Kindles to headphones to drones and heated blankets.

iPhone To Introduce USB-C Port Charger

The USB-C connector would replace Apple’s proprietary Lightning port, which has been found at the bottom of every model since 2012.

For users, the change would be one of the most major updates to the iPhone in years.

While traveling, Apple users would no longer need to bring two different cables for their phone and other devices.

Android users may borrow chargers from iPhone owners. Chargers for iPhones might be borrowed from anyone with a newer laptop.

Schools and corporations might use a single charger for their entire fleet of devices. USB-C may possibly enable quicker charging speeds for Apple phones.

iPhone Didn’t Confirm The News Yet

While Apple has yet to confirm that the new iPhones would include a USB-C charging connector and has yet to react to a request for comment, the move is unavoidable.

The European Union established a new regulation last year requiring USB-C connections on new cellphones by 2024. Apple is unlikely to manufacture a model of the iPhone just for the European market. “Obviously, we’ll have to comply,” Greg Joswiak, Apple’s chief marketer, said last year.

Consumer benefits, such as less “lock-in” to a single manufacturer, contributed to the new legislation’ rationale.

According to the EU, the law could save Europeans up to 250 million euros every year on fees. According to the EU, obsolete chargers account for over 11,000 tons of e-waste in the region each year.

Apple was opposed to the law. Apple stated in a 2021 letter that the legislation will stifle future charging innovation, force it to pull items from the market prematurely, and confuse users with additional information.

Apple’s Letter To EU

“We are concerned that regulation mandating just one type of connector for all devices on the market will harm European consumers by slowing down the introduction of beneficial innovations in charging standards, including those related to safety and energy efficiency,” Apple said in the letter.

Skeptics argue that whenever Apple updates the ports on its smartphones, it is simply trying to earn more money on its premium-priced connections. Apple’s most capable USB-C cable costs $39.

For example, when Apple began including USB-C chargers with MacBook notebooks in 2015, it sparked jokes about the dongles needed to plug in older products.

Apple’s Wearables, Home, and Accessories product category, which generated $41 billion in revenue in 2022, is where cable sales are disclosed.

Despite the fact that Apple Watches and headphones account for the vast majority of purchases. This is far less than the $205 billion in iPhone sales claimed by Apple last year.

To read our blog on “iPhone 15 Pro models will include a 2TB storage option,” click here.

Asad Hassan
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