If you don’t want to see someone’s Stories or receive notifications when they message you, you can mute them in your Snapchat account.
Snapchat account
This allows you to block out annoying notifications, and we’ll teach you how to do it in the Snapchat app on your iPhone or Android phone. Let’s get started.
What Happens on Snapchat When You Mute Someone?
Snapchat has two methods for muting users, and the effect depends on which option you select. The first option is to silence a person’s Stories.
When you do this, the muted person’s Stories are not displayed in your Story bar. This way, you may watch the Stories you want while blocking out the ones you don’t.
Another way to silence someone is to block their message alerts.
If you don’t want to be notified when someone sends you a message, you can mute their alerts in the Snapchat app.
Unlike barring someone on Snapchat, muting allows you to view that person’s messages but does not notify you when you receive new messages from that individual.
Both of these mute settings are reversible, which means you may unmute someone’s Stories and message alerts at any moment.
When you mute a user’s Stories or message notifications, Snapchat does not notify them.
Mute Someone’s Snapchat Stories
Use the instructions below to mute someone’s Stories so you don’t see that content in your Story bar. Open the Snapchat app on your smartphone. Tap “Chat” (a speech bubble icon) in the app’s bottom bar.
Locate the user whose Stories you wish to silence on the “Chat” page. Hold down on this user’s name and select “Story Settings” from the menu.
That’s all there is to it. Snapchat has muted the selected user’s Stories for you, and you will no longer see those Stories in your Story bar. Turn off the “Mute Story” option later if you want to unmute their Stories.
Snapchat Message Notifications Can Be Muted
If you don’t want to be notified when someone messages you, you can disable their message notifications in your Snapchat app by doing the following. Launch the Snapchat app and tap the “Chat” icon in the bottom bar.
Tap and hold on the user whose message alerts you want to disable on the next screen. Choose “Chat Settings” from the open menu.
Snapchat will no longer inform you when a message is sent to you by a specific person.
However, you will be able to see that message on your “Chat” panel. Enable the “Message Notifications” option in the future to resume getting message alerts.
To read our blog on “How to pin a chat on snapchat in 5 easy steps,” click here