Google team will visit Pakistan for tech partnership


Google team will visit Pakistan for tech partnership

The Federal Ministry of Education and Vocational Training stated that a high-level Google team will be visiting Pakistan soon to discus s potential educational and technological collaborations.

Google Team’s Visit

According to the Ministry, the Google team’s visit to Pakistan aims to boost academic results and raise availability of quality education, particularly among out-of-school children.

The visit comes after the Ministry of Federal Education asked Google to help Pakistan create a fully digital education system.

Google’s advance teams finished their preliminary work and are enthusiastic about the potential for teamwork, the company said.

Out-of-School Children

The ministry also announced a national workshop with stakeholders to discuss technology solutions for out-of-school children. Likewise, debates were held about potential collaboration in the fields of education and technology.

“We are thrilled to welcome the Google team to Pakistan and explore ways to leverage technology to improve education outcomes.

This collaboration has the potential to transform the education landscape in Pakistan and expand access to quality education for all.” said Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training.

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Muhammad Kamal
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