Foreign tourists visited northern bypass cattle market


foreign tourists visited northern bypass cattle market

A tourist family from Poland visited the Northern Bypass Cattle Market.

And expressed their surprise and happiness to see the presence of large number of sacrificial animals.

Tourists named Tukanie and Matkania accompanied their children. Visited the cattle market. The tourist family had never seen such a large number of cattle together.

foreign tourists visited northern bypass cattle market

Cattle Of High Breed

The tourist family was happy to see the beautiful cattle of high breed together with and praised the facilities and management of the Northern Bypass Cattle Market.

Speaking on this occasion, foreign tourists said that they are happy to see so much livestock production and beautiful and healthy animals in Pakistan.

They said that enthusiasm found in Pakistan to perform Sunnah-e- Ibrahimi is also impressive.

foreign tourists visited northern bypass cattle market

Foreign Tourists Expressed

The foreign tourists expressed their satisfaction with the facilities available in the cattle market, especially the security arrangements, and took selfies and pictures with the beautiful cattle in different parts of the market.

foreign tourists visited northern bypass cattle market

To read our blog on “More than 400 Camels Arrive at Northern Bypass Cattle Market,” click here

Muhammad Kamal
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