Facebook To Play Active Role In Elimination Of Violence Against Women

Violence against women is one of the most widespread, persistent and devastating human rights violations in our world today. Next Monday, 25th November is the United Nation’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

At Facebook, we’re committed to making our platform a safer, more welcoming place for women. It is important to ensure that women are aware of all the tools and resources available to help them stay safe – from taking control of their privacy and security settings, to learning what they can do to deal with online harassment.

We’ve created some infographics to help raise awareness around women’s safety, including top tips to avoid getting into sticky situations online.

  1. Five ways women can increase their safety on Facebook [LINK]
  2. A guide to getting out of sticky situations online [LINK]
  3. 10 times you should report a post [LINK]

To read about Facebook’s on-going work to keep women on our platform safe, click here.

We’d love to work with you on this story and hope you find these infographics useful. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me or [insert contact] for more information.

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