Digital South Punjab transforms new tech industry

TechX Pakistan attended Future Fest 2024 and met the team behind Digital South Punjab. They are driving tech growth in less developed areas. They aim to unite tech giants and local talents under one roof. This initiative will expand IT in South Punjab.

Digital South Punjab helps students get Google certifications. Many students now excel in their careers thanks to this support.

Rizwan Majeed, Founder of Digital South Punjab, won the Tech Hero Award at the 8th Connected Pakistan Conference’23. He has over 15 years in the software industry.

Rizwan is the Director of IT at Islamia University. He leads digital transformation there. He also started the Digital South Punjab Road Show 2022.

Digital South Punjab Gives Away 1,000 Google Scholarships

Rizwan helps young entrepreneurs in South Punjab. He gives advice to IT companies and tech giants. His work adds millions of dollars to Pakistan’s economy. He mentors aspiring IT professionals too.

Digital South Punjab’s vision is to empower tech in less developed areas. They want to unite tech talents and boost IT in South Punjab.

At Future Fest 2024, Co-Founder Haroon Malana talked about their plans. They want to build software offices in South Punjab. They want big tech companies to teach people there. This will make the tech industry there better.

Education with IT is important for their plan. Their shared working space and training make the area better. They finished two STPs and have experts working. Big tech companies should work with the skilled people in South Punjab.

They gave away 1,000 free Google scholarships, each worth $300 or more. They work with Punjab Information Technology Board, SEPTA, Islamic University Bahawalpur, and many software companies.

Haroon wants Digital South Punjab to be famous in the digital industry. He sees people making their lives better with digital technology in South Punjab.

To read our blog on “Future Fest – Tax Nerd CEO’s big reveal about their services,” click here

Bilquees Anwar Content Executive
Content Executive at TechX with over 3 years of experience in Creative Writing and Content Strategy. A published author of eBooks, she is passionate about exploring diverse subjects and adept at crafting engaging content for broad audiences.
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