Cattle market for animals is hallmark of Khi: Dr. Farooq


Dr. Farooq Sattar stated that the security arrangements at the cattle market are satisfactory, and law enforcement agencies are working on further improvements. He made these comments during a media briefing on his visit to the market.

MQM Senior Leader

MQM senior leader Dr. Farooq Sattar visited the Northern Bypass Cattle Market and expressed his satisfaction with the arrangements and security measures.

Muzaffar Hasan Khan, Administrator of the Northern Bypass Cattle Market, welcomed Dr. Farooq Sattar and informed him about the facilities provided to traders and buyers.

Speaking to the media, Dr. Farooq Sattar remarked that the cattle market is a symbol of Karachi. He congratulated the farmers and organizers who work hard throughout the year to prepare this market.

Dr. Farooq Sattar

Dr. Farooq Sattar mentioned that, as an elected representative and citizen, he visited the cattle market to review the security measures with the officers of law enforcement agencies.

And the administration. He found the security situation at the Northern Bypass Cattle Market to be quite good.

He noted that the Northern Bypass Cattle Market is set up in a spacious area, bordered by the Gadap one side and the Hub area on the other.

Although it is somewhat distant from central Karachi, it is safe, and no incidents of robbery have been reported in or around the market.

Northern Bypass Cattle Market

Dr. Farooq Sattar stated that security details have been reviewed with law enforcement agencies and the administration, and the security arrangements at the Northern Bypass Cattle Market are effective.

Dr. Farooq Sattar highlighted that most of the cattle at the Northern Bypass market are reared on quality feed. He stated that four hundred thousand animals are expected to be sold at this market.

Which is the world’s largest cattle market and has been held for 22 years, with the last two years at the Northern Bypass location.

Dr. Farooq Sattar visited various stalls at the Northern Bypass Cattle Market and expressed satisfaction with the health and quality of the high-breed cattle brought to the market.

To read our blog on “More than 30,000 animals reach northern bypass cattle market,” click here

Muhammad Kamal
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