Businesses must clearly display what they sell, says CCP

Businesses must clearly display what they sell, says ccp

According to Rahat Kaunain Hassan, the Chairperson of Pakistan’s Competition Commission (CCP), dishonest marketing techniques have a negative influence on both customers and business rivals, which is why companies must be honest while selling their goods.

She said that in order to be completely compliant and transparent to customers while avoiding gaining unfair competitive advantage, firms should “display what you offer and speak what you mean” at an advocacy session on competition law hosted by the Rawalpindi Chamber of Commerce & Industry (RCCI).

The session was attended by the RCCI President Chaudhry Nadeem A. Rauf, Vice President Tallat Mahmood Awan, previous Senior Vice President Saqib Rafiq, Senior Vice President Asim Mehmood Malik, members of the executive committee, and leaders of the business world.

As long as they respect the rules of competition, Hassan claimed, firms are allowed to earn a profit. She asserted that nothing in the law prevents enterprises from expanding, and that dominance itself is not illegal; rather, it is the misuse of dominance that leads to competition in law enforcement.

According to Hassan, the CCP will continue to uphold the law’s text and spirit without fear or favor, as it has been doing across all spheres of the economy since enforcement fosters a greater awareness of the law and helps to foster a culture of competitiveness.

The CCP is contributing to policy change, according to the chairperson, by making suggestions that would increase economic efficiency and level the playing field. The CCP’s draught pilot study on the “Assessment of Supply Chain from Farm gate to Retail” makes policy recommendations to improve economic efficiency and remove inefficiencies in the supply chains of key commodities as part of its duty to examine policy frameworks. Similar recommendations will be included in its report on the SME sector for enhancing SME economic efficacy.

To read our blog on “CCP files a complaint against Pharma companies for hiding weight-loss product side effects,” click here.

Bilquees Anwar
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