BankIslami launches ‘Ehad Sukuk’

BankIslami Pakistan Limited, while satisfying its vision of giving creative Shariah-agreeable items and administrations to the clients, gladly reports Pakistan’s ‘First’ Initial Public Offering (IPO) of Additional Tier 1 Modarba Sukuk under the brand name of “BankIslami Ehad Sukuk”, which will be recorded and exchanged on Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX).

“Ehad” signifies a period of new vision, new initiative and furthermore implies a ‘Guarantee” to reaffirm the way that BankIslami is resolved to offer credible Islamic Banking items and give Halal comes back to the Sukuk speculators.

BankIslami Ehad Sukuk offers month to month benefit installment at an alluring expected benefit pace of 2.75% more than 3 Months KIBOR. The rating of Sukuk is ‘A-‘ alloted by PACRA, while long haul and momentary rating of the Bank is ‘A+’ and ‘A1’.

The all out size of Sukuk Issue is Rs. 2 billion out of which Rs. 1.7 billion has just been bought in by Pre-IPO Investors including 27 esteemed establishments of the nation and 45 high total assets people.

Open membership dates for Rs. 300 Million IPO are Monday, April twentieth and Tuesday, April 21st 2020. Least speculation sum is Rs. 5, 000/ – . Next Capital Limited, going about as Consultant to the Issue though JS Global Capital Limited is the Joint Advisor and Arranger and assigned Market Maker.

The IPO is completely guaranteed by Next Capital Limited and Arif Habib Limited. Notwithstanding BankIslami, 10 additional banks have been delegated as Bankers to the Issue to get the Sukuk membership. Further, to encourage and advance online memberships, the eIPO administrations of CDC and UBL have been acquired. Ehad Sukuk Prospectus and Subscription Form can be effectively gotten to and downloaded from the BankIslami site just as the sites of PSX, CDC, Next Capital and JS Global.

BankIslami Pakistan Limited is one of the main Islamic banks of Pakistan with a system of in excess of 340 branches in more than 114 urban areas, offering different Shariah-agreeable administrations to its customers.

The year 2019 end up being a surprising year for BankIslami, as the Bank posted great money related outcomes. On the rear of a powerful business technique and boundless advertising movement, Bank’s Deposit base developed by 24% to close at Rs. 229 billion, jumping industry development of around 10%.

With an expansion in the source base of the Bank, complete Assets of BankIslami likewise expanded by 31% during the active year where assets were productively set towards Islamic Financing, SLR Eligible Investments and Money Market Instruments.

With the amazing increment in by and large net income of the Bank and moderate expense to salary proportion, working benefits of BankIslami during CY19 has expanded to Rs. 4.630 billion which is 9.5 occasions higher than the working benefit of Rs. 439 million posted a year ago.

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