Analyst predicts Apple won’t release exclusive car till 2026

Analyst predicts apple won't release exclusive car till 2026

A automobile from Apple is coming shortly. The tech giant may enter the auto business in 2026, according to Daniel Ives, managing director and tech-focused equities analyst at Wedbush Securities.

The research emphasizes Apple’s approach to the market, calling it “incremental” rather than “revolutionary” in nature. Ives claims that the company’s strategies have allowed it to thrive in the face of intense competition and successfully launch new products into the market time and time again.

In December of last year, speculation started up about an Apple Car launching in 2024

The deadline was pushed back by two years because of the unattainable goal of Level 5 fully autonomous driving. The company is now developing semi-autonomous driving technology that is expected to outperform its rivals.

Although it is relatively new to the auto industry, its expertise in computer and technology might make it a formidable rival to established players like Tesla.

When the Apple Car finally makes its appearance, it will go up against models made by Sony, Huawei, Xiaomi, and other tech giants. However, according to Ives, we won’t see the much awaited rivalry until the year 2026.

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