AI can now mimic your loved one’s voice easily

Ai can now mimic your loved one's voice easily

AI can now mimic your loved one's voice easily

In today’s digital world, AI serves many purposes. It helps with emails, art, and even scams where it tricks people into thinking it’s a friend or family member in trouble. Artificial intelligence (AI) can do a lot, but some people use it for bad things. Let’s talk about what to watch out for.

Lately, there’s been a big increase in how good and cheap AI can make fake stuff — from words to sounds to pictures and movies. It’s the same kind of tool that makes cool pictures or helps someone learn English for work. But now, bad guys use it too.

This isn’t like the Terminator selling you a fake thing. It’s the same old scams, but Artificial intelligence (AI) makes them cheaper, faster, or more real.

This isn’t all the tricks AI can do, just a few. We’ll add more as they come up or if there’s new stuff to keep safe from.

One big trick is copying voices of family or friends. Machines have done this for years, but now it’s super good and can start from only a few words of sound. That means anyone whose voice has ever been on TV or online can be tricked.

Scammers use this to make fake versions of people you love. These can say anything, but they often ask for money.

Imagine getting a voicemail from a number you don’t know that sounds like your kid. They say their stuff got taken while they were away, and can you send money to this place to help?

This kind of trick has been done with President Biden’s voice already. They caught the bad guys, but more might try this later.

How do you fight back against AI voice copying?

Don’t try to find out if the voice is fake. It’s hard to tell now, and even experts get fooled. If you get a message from a number or email you don’t know, think twice. If someone says they’re a friend or family member, call them like you always do. They’ll tell you if it’s a trick.

Scammers usually don’t try again if you ignore them, but a real friend or family member might. It’s okay to wait before you answer a message you’re not sure about.

To read our blog on “Medical robots see big raises as the industry thrives,” click here

Bilquees Anwar Content Executive
Content Executive at TechX with over 3 years of experience in Creative Writing and Content Strategy. A published author of eBooks, she is passionate about exploring diverse subjects and adept at crafting engaging content for broad audiences.
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