After an addict boy kills his own family, Punjab police have requested the federal government to ban PUBG

There are times when gaming addiction goes things too far, as was the case when Ali Zain, a PUBG junkie, killed his mother and brothers. Zain was so obsessed to the game, according to the investigations, that he believed his mother and brothers will be revived just like in the game.

However, additional inquiry revealed that he shot his family at point-blank range inside the house as a result of his irritation at the game. Zain went to sleep in the bottom section of the house after the shooting and was discovered hiding in a village near Faisalabad.

Punjab police spokesperson reported, “Ali Zain shot dead his mother, two sisters and a brother on January 19, 2022 and hid the pistol.”

Because of the game’s bad impact on children, the Punjab Police Department has asked the federal government to ban PUBG so that no more youngsters become hooked to it and succumb to immoral behavior. Regarding PUBG, many same cases also happened in the past.

However, in my opinion, if the children are properly guided and an age limit is placed on the types of content available, banning things may not be necessary.

To read our blog on “PUBG Mobile Developer Tencent suspends from launching new Apps by China,” click here.

Asad Hassan
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