Two other PIA workers slipped away in Toronto; the two officers traveled to Canada to work as flight attendants but failed to appear when they supposed to return to Pakistan.
It is important to note that there have nine PIA employees who went missing in Canada this year.
Two More PIA Crew Members Escaped in Canada
The national flag carrier’s spokesperson verified that two officers—Farkhanda Shaheen and Syed Ali Abbas escaped to Canada.
The use of teenage crew members on flights within Canada recently prohibited, despite the airline management’s best efforts to halt this trend.
Senior crew members would not accept the chance of falling in Canada, according to management, but even in that case, the trend is upward.
It seems that inadequate pay and anxiety about the airline’s privatization plan were the main causes of the flight attendants’ layoffs in Canada.
On the other hand, PIA officials believed that the issue stemmed from Canada’s favorable refugee policies.
National Flag Carrier To Face Embarrassment
“National airline’s management has to face embarrassment from Canadian authorities on such incidents of escape,” said another PIA officer.
Despite national carrier management’s best efforts, these incidents have continued unabated.
The issue could not solved by raising the crew members’ age restriction.
Previously, Muntasar Mehdi, Muhammad Ayaz, Fida Hussain, Khalid Mehmood, and Ijaz Ali were among the crew members who slipped in Canada.
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